Our Lawn Care Blog

Like many things in life, there’s far more to lawn care than meets the eye. Check out our blog to learn how to better take care of your grass!

fall leaves on lawn
The Complete Fall Lawn Care Checklist

Fall lawn care is essential for maintaining a healthy and flourishing lawn in the spring. As the summer heat subsides and cooler temperatures settle in, it is the perfect time to prepare your outdoor space for the dormant season.

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Healthy lawn in the spring weather
How To Clean Up Your Lawn This Spring

February being the shortest month means there’s only a little bit more of winter to weather. Now’s the time to start thinking about what your spring lawn care plan should be. What you do in spring will set the stage for your lawn’s health all year.

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lawn that is well taken care of
Stop Grubs from Destroying your New Jersey Lawn

It’s summertime here in New Jersey, and that means sunshine, golfing, fishing, hiking, and outdoor barbeques. This year more than ever, people will be staying home and enjoying their backyards. Why allow pests or insects to destroy the lawn you’ve worked so hard to obtain these last few months?

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Tested and aerated lawn in New Jersey
Benefits of Soil Testing

When your lawn is looking less than stellar, your first reaction may be to apply fertilizer. However, without knowing the exact health and composition of your soil, you could actually be damaging your lawn and wasting your hard-earned money. So how do you determine what your lawn needs?

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A healthy tree in new jersey
The Best Maple Trees to Plant in New Jersey

New Jersey may be at the southern end of maple sugaring country, but that doesn’t mean we are short on maple trees. There are several parks in the state that conduct maple sugaring demonstrations for schools and other educational purposes. Maples aren’t just good for their maple syrup.

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Indoor plant Venus flytrap on a window sill
Best Indoor Plants for Your New Jersey Home

The ongoing pandemic makes this winter feel longer than usual, and the cold gray weather doesn’t help. Do you miss the greenery of your lawn in summer? Consider adopting a houseplant! They also brighten your space while you wait for the return of spring.

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