Our Lawn Care Blog
Like many things in life, there’s far more to lawn care than meets the eye. Check out our blog to learn how to better take care of your grass!
April in the Garden State is the ideal time to overseed a lawn. The grass is waking up from winter dormancy and sending nutrients from its root system to the grass blades.
Trees are an essential part of our ecosystem, creating the necessary oxygen that we breathe. They provide shade, create sound barriers and offer shelter to various wildlife, birds, and insects.
As temperatures start to cool down in New Jersey, you might think that your lawn doesn’t need anything other than one last mowing session. However, fall is the perfect time to give your lawn a little extra care to make sure it stays full and healthy in the future.
There is an invasive pest determined to suck the life out of one of our most prized and elegant trees. The Hemlock Woolly Adelgid has destroyed thousands of hemlock trees across the United States and has been found in at least 17 states, including right here in New Jersey.
It’s September here in New Jersey, which means back to school, nights around the campfire, or last weekend trips to the local lakes and Jersey shore. It’s also the perfect time to start getting your lawn ready for our upcoming winter.
Now is the perfect time of year to plan ahead. The temperatures aren’t quite warm enough for the lawn to start coming out of winter dormancy, but spring is closer than we think. Before the grass starts waking up and the trees start budding up, it’s a good idea to get prepared.